Toowoomba (known as the as The Garden City) is the closest town to Brisbane to see the beautiful Autumn colours of deciduous trees. Last Sunday on a glorious autumn day away we visited Queen’s Park where the Liquidambers and Maples were all turning bright orange and yellow.
Liqidamber styraciflua (Sweet Gum) – always the first of the deciduous trees to colour up. A row of maples starting to turn a deep red during the early stages of Autumn. Butter yellow leaves on a tree I didn’t recognize – so what! it looked fantastic anyway.
The garden of this very well maintaned cottage caught our eye and as we walked past the lady who owned it was working in it. I commented that she had a beautifully kept garden and a conversation soon ensued. It turned out she is an interior decorator – it really showed. The colour scheme of the house and everything about it looked so inviting.