Jackson's Japanese Tools

In a “Garden City” what else would you expect?

Managed to get up to Toowoomba on the last day of the Carnival of Flowers last week. The Toowoomba City Council really does a wonderful job of putting the gardens together for this once a year show.

Yesterday, Today and Tomorrow ….. and always hopefully!

This is probably the largest and best Franciscea (Brunsfelsia latifolia) I have ever seen. It was in full flower when I visited a good friend of ours back in spring. It’s commonly known as Yesterday, Today and Tomorrow.

Japanese Garden – Mt Coot-tha, Brisbane

Mt Coot-tha Botanical Gardens in Brisbane boasts a beautiful Japanese garden created around a lake. Skillfully maintained by one of their qualified gardeners, it was a gift from Japan at the time of World Expo 1988 in Brisbane.

Post Office with the Most Office

If a Post Office like this was in your suburb you’d probaly invent ways to post something just so you could admire the beauty of the building and the garden in front of it. This well designed building is in Kamakura – a cute little town in the hills outside Yokohama.

What lies behind this classic Japanese gateway? Tranquility, serenity…. peace after a big day at the office!!

Stylishly classic Japanese entrance with gate to a private home. Walls on either side of the gateway make for a really private courtyard garden. Behind the gates is a garden that calms the senses with it’s Japanese granite lantern, clipped trees, pathway and carefully placed stones.

This is where it all began for me…. but I didn’t know it then. May, 1995

The year – 1995 ….. doesn’t seem like that long ago really – but I was using a camera that took film!! Yep, no digital cameras back then! I saw this Japanese gardener pruning the hedges outside the Hotel Nikko Narita.

You never know what you’ll wake up to

I came out into my garden yesterday morning to find a large branch had fallen from an Eleocarpus grandis (Blue Quandong – a large growing rainforest tree) during the night. It fell right into the middle of a clump of China

Green Tea tastes great when it’s made properly from good quality tea

Well we’ve all been served green tea (Camellia sinensis) at some point in Australia and it’s no wonder we don’t like it. It’s nothing like the quality of the tea that is served in restaurants and sushi bars in Japan.

Low tech – high quality

Amongst the high tech world of Japan you’re likely to stumble on an age old craft that takes you back to a time when things weren’t so rushed. Here is a weaver who takes her artistic abilities and produces fabulous fabrics that she

Autumn colours of Japan

Japan has an array of trees that colour up in autumn that highlight the shape of the leaves in the process. The Japanese maple comes in many forms and sizes from shrubs to tall tees. I didn’t realise how big they got until I saw them